Healing does not come by wounding another

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If you notice, my blogs are not daily, weekly or even monthly. They are far few and in between because I enjoy writing how God moves in my life and how scripture becomes alive in my heart. Following Jesus is not a check list where I simply read the bible and do it.  I am a sinner and unfortunately think my ways are right rather than God’s most (a lot) of the time.  And so that makes me walk pretty slow….

Can anyone relate?   

I realize I am a work in progress and I am OK with that.  God knows I am a work in progress and He is OK with that as 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV) says: All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 

Teaching & training takes time friends. 

Matthew 5:4 recently became real to me.  When someone hurts us or wrongs us, rather than feel the pain and sorrow and take it to the Lord, we can replay all the wrong acts the person has done to bury the pain.  Its survival right, Or is it???  As I was rehashing bad memories, I could feel the Holy Spirit telling me it was not in line with scripture.  You see, God desires that we be made new through Jesus Christ. Through prayer and reading scripture our lives will begin to match up with who He is….. I however was not matching with loving, forgiving, rejoicing with the truth, not delighting in evil, being kind or patient and not dishonoring others.  Oh no – my thoughts were nothing of the sort.   And so, after fussing for a few (ok, a while) I asked God what would He desire I do.  And I heard Him say – “Pray for them.”

What?  NO!  Really!?!?

As I said, I am growing/maturing in Christ so I knew what was happening.  God was about to refine ME and in order for that to happen, I had to become humble before Him.  There really is nothing sweeter than to be in the presence of God but sometimes our ugly pride gets in the way and we resist.   Thankfully on this day, I was intentional about following (some days are better than others). That night, I invited Jesus into my heart to show me how to pray for the person and soon I was praying over their mind, body and spirit.  I have no way of knowing what happened on the other end, if anything.  But I can tell you it wrecked me in every way!  I could actually feel God’s love for this person as I prayed.  I was beginning the process of forgiveness and realizing this person is no different than I; a sinner in need of God’s grace and mercy.  God began a new work in my heart that actually freed me from bitterness.  Bitterness is that ugly thing that keeps the finger pointed out rather than the arms that extend to show God’s love.  That night began the process of a friendship being restored. It would take some time to see how that night would play out but it soon came. God had to soften my heart to His leading in order that I would hear Him in the days to come. 

When God asks us to forgive it does not mean we pretend things did not happen.  It does not mean we take responsibility for everything and it doesn’t mean we simply forget.  Forgiveness is so that we can be free to see God’s vision and direction to do His will. 

I am so grateful Jesus did not hang on that wooden cross with bitterness in His heart against me and you! What did Jesus do?  He prayed. “Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” Luke 23:24

Let us too pray for others and allow God to work in us.



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