Your path is not their path

Looking left and right we will surely miss the calling God has for our lives. It’s like watching a young child ride a bike.  The bike will turn in the direction their little head looks.  We teach them to watch where they are going.  Look the direction in which you want to go or you will crash. Such is life.  We must keep our eye’s looking above seeking Him in all our ways (Proverbs 3:6) or we too will crash, burn out, grow bitterness, become overwhelmed and be envious of what others have.

As Christians, our hearts cry is to serve God, his people and the church.  But we quickly feel less than when we look at those who are “seen” in the church or those with a bigger house, a larger family, homeschooling moms, corporate America moms, and even those that are called to foreign countries to serve.  Yes, we are to witness His amazing plans taking action in others lives but that should inspire us and give us a hunger to find out his plans for our lives. It should not have us sit in shame for what we can not, have not and will not accomplish.  

I think we are terrified of what God might ask us to do.  Reading Jeremiah 29:11, we know God does have a specific plan for our lives but us not knowing it freaks us out. How in the world are we going to lay down our today not knowing what He may ask us in advance.  Well, here are some things He may ask you to do that by you living out “your” plans may not happen.

*Hold the door open for the next person *Smile at the man standing on the side of the road rather than give money *Tell her she is beautiful *Wash the dishes of others at work *Help a co-worker go to lunch on time while taking on their work for them *Tell someone the amazing way you have witnessed God in their life *Forgive that person for the hurt they caused you *Babysit for a couple so they can once again feel the love of their beloved spouse *Call a friend and give encouragement *Pray with a friend *Pray for our president *Clean your home *Sit with your child and only listen to their heart, offer no quick fix *Dance in the rain *Listen to the radio *Change the music you listen to *Hit your knees *Connect someone you know to someone they don’t know *Tell a joke *Laugh *Cry *Take a nap *Let the car out at the intersection *Hold your tongue *Speak up ……….. It’s in the small things that God asks us to be like Christ.  Jesus served those around Him (John 13:1-7), had dinner with sinners (Matthew 9:10), one on one time (John 4) and times with many (Matthew 13:34).  

What is God’s calling for your life?

To follow Jesus will look different for most of us but the end result is the same, to Glorify God.

In the book of Esther we see a Jewish girl who is called to save her people.  And in the book of Ruth we see a widow who remains faithful to her mother-in-law.  Both doing the will of God but both in totally different ways but being lead by the Holy Spirit for the next steps.  Some folks are called to pastor a church, some to sing in the church, some to go on mission in a third world country, others are called to witness at Burger King while scrubbing the floors.  Some who sit in a building making the clothes that we will wear while others are sitting in prison behind bars.  One family may deal with cancer, while another deals with a miscarriage and the other a birth of a new baby. Whatever it is we must stop looking left and right and start looking up asking “How shall I serve you today Lord?”.  “What will you have me to this day?”. Do not look behind in shame for 2 Corinthians 5:17 says “Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person.  The old life is gone; a new life has begun.”  If you have turned away from God, turn towards Him now.  

Let Him be the lamp for your feet guiding your every step. (Psalm 119:105)

Look up…  not left and right!




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