Start Again & Keep Going!


#146 – Jasek, Amanda – Time: 00:45:20.920

From my post Start Again to now, I am happy to say the journey has indeed continued.  Since I last wrote, I have incorporated Clean Eating as my new way of eating.  Simply put – I eat things natural.  If I can’t read the ingredients in it, I don’t eat it. Processed food – things made in a plant rather than from a plant is at a min.  I eat chicken, nuts, veggies, dark chocolate & drink water.  Now, this is a learning process and I am not 100% all the time.  I have started cooking meals at home from scratch.  How do you go from not cooking to scratch cooking?  You Google “Clean Eating with 5 ingredients or less” and GO! I also have been involved in a small group and we are studying “The Daniel Plan” by Rick Warren which teaches Faith, Food, Fitness Focus, & Friends.

This process has been in no way an overnight success where I can now tell you I have lost 20 lbs and am well on my way.  It has been stressful when I stand at the stove to create something new to me.  It has been discouraging when the scale has not moved 1 lb and it has been tough when I don’t want to work out but do it anyways.

However what I have learned has been amazing:

1. My body is not my own -1 Corinthians 6:20 “You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

2. I can indeed cook and it takes great!

3. I am strong.

4. I am thinner regardless what the scale says.  I have lost inches rather than weight.

5. Being disciplined is power!!  Having whatever I want when I want it is weak.

6. I am honoring the Lord in a new and different way.

7. God loves being a part of the small details of my life.

8. Teaching my girl the importance of loving your body in a Godly way.

9. Showing self love in a “modest” manner rather than a “sexy” manner. Meaning health is the focus.

10. I am become Godly rather than Gorgeous.

I just completed my 1st 5K.  My goal was to run the full race but the week prior I came down with bronchitis and laryngitis.  Talk about a kink in my plans.  Up until I arrived at the race I was only going to walk it as I had some friends alongside me and didn’t want to bail out completely.  What a miracle when my body began to feel stronger and I actually completed my run in 45 min!!!  I did walk a few times but what a joy it was to finish and finish well!  The 5K was amazing as I had my family there to cheer me on.  What a delight it was to realize that my daughter was indeed watching her momma as after we had stretched and began the race, she too needed to stretch.  It shows that our kiddo’s are watching what we do not only what we say. The best memory of all was my baby girl greeting me at the finish line screaming “MOMMY”, clapping for me and then……….. Waiting to give me a bouquet of flowers.  I can think of no other perfect ending to an amazing night.

Each day we have to get up and say to ourselves “I CAN DO THIS”!

Philippians 3:14 – “I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.”

Isaiah 55:12 – “So you’ll go out in joy, you’ll be led into a whole and complete life.”

Here are some awesome memories from my 1st 5K – Enjoy!


Marney, Me & Leisha – Before the Race.


My biggest cheerleader….. Rascal & Me

My Cheerleader

Rascal stretching to “get in shape”!

Rascal Stretching

The home stretch – Thank God!

Home stretch

Heading down to the finish line….

finish line

What a way to finish -Love her!!

Delight of my heart



Time to party & celebrate our victory!

Time to party



One thought on “Start Again & Keep Going!

  1. So proud of you!!!!

    2himigo wrote: > a:hover { color: red; } a { text-decoration: none; color: #0088cc; } a.primaryactionlink:link, a.primaryactionlink:visited { background-color: #2585B2; color: #fff; } a.primaryactionlink:hover, a.primaryactionlink:active { background-color: #11729E !important; color: #fff !important; } /* @media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) { .post { min-width: 700px !important; } } */ 2himigo posted: ” #146 – Jasek, Amanda – Time: 00:45:20.920 From my post Start Again to now, I am happy to say the journey has indeed continued.  Since I last wrote, I have incorporated Clean Eating as my new way of eating.  Simply put – I eat things natural.  If I ca”

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