Extreme Devotion

As I reviewed the books on the shelf, one stood out among the rest. Anyone who shops at the goodwill knows most things are old and worn but not this book. It was new and crisp as if it was placed there just for me. As I opened the book I felt a bit of fear. It was a devotional called: “Extreme Devotion” By: The Voice of the Martyrs. I did not recognize the author and at the time no one I trusted was available for me to call to confirm it was a good source. So, I prayed. I asked God to give me peace about this purchase so that I may stay in HIS truth and not be lead astray. God gave me peace and the book soon became mine.

Each day I read stories of people who die for the sake of Christ. One story you may be familiar with is Cassie Bernall, the 17-year-old who was shot to death after telling one of two teen-age gunmen she believed in God at the Columbine High School shooting in 1999. Religion Today quoted witnesses as saying that, when asked whether she believed in God, “Bernall said she believed in Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior, and was shot in the temple.”

As the days go on and I read more and more stories of people who die for their faith, I had to ask myself, “Would I die for Christ?” I asked God to search my heart and give me truth to this question. I prayed: Psalm 119:26-32 (NLT). Soon, God spoke to my heart and I realized the answer was……. No.

For so long I have lived as if me, myself & I had to earn God’s love. Yes, I read the words in the bible, I hear the pastor speak of it but it was not real to me. It was not real until I boldly asked God to show me His love for ME. It was then God showed me what John 3:16 looks like. God’s love is so real and passionate for His people and He wanted us to be with Him so bad that He came down to us as Jesus Christ. He lived with us, taught us, loved us, ate with us, cried with us, celebrated with us and in the end, took ALL sin for us.

The joy I felt when God showed me His love for me overtook my soul and I could not stop weeping. He does not ask that I understand it, just that I receive it. I think once we understand the Love of God for us we are able to live extreme for Him.

I will pray this for you who are reading this and I ask that you pray this for me too:

Psalms 119:26-32 (NLT)
26 I told you my plans, and you answered.
Now teach me your decrees.
27 Help me understand the meaning of your commandments,
and I will meditate on your wonderful deeds.
28 I weep with sorrow;
encourage me by your word.
29 Keep me from lying to myself;
give me the privilege of knowing your instructions.
30 I have chosen to be faithful;
I have determined to live by your regulations.
31 I cling to your laws.
LORD, don’t let me be put to shame!

2 thoughts on “Extreme Devotion

  1. Over the years, many years, although it is hard for my finite mind to receive this truth, because spiritual truths cannot be understood by natrual reasonings (mind); I have learned He loves me today as much as He ever will love me. He does not love me more today than yesterday and He will not love more tomorrow than He does today. He changes not. We change, our circumstances change, other people change, but He does not. He cannot, it is impossible, for Him to “fall out of love” for me! It is impossible for Him to not love for Him to not to “be Love” would be to deny himself.

  2. Hi Amanda! What a wonderful thing you wrote! You are so precious. That was a wonderful experience I know. I experienced that at a Sonship conference. I couldn’t stop crying for weeks. I am reading thru the Bible n am in Psalm 119 now! ( I won’t tell you how long its taken me to get there) You are a blessing. Love you my dil! !

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